Month: April 2022

Speaking to Volunteers Outside the Ukrainian Embassy

The situation in Ukraine is moving extremely fast so parts of this article may be out of date at the time of reading. “I don’t really feel like I’m doing anything meaningful right now.” The reason given by one of the many men that came to the Ukrainian embassy to volunteer. Short, skinny and shaking,…

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Stavit Sinai Israeli Activist Profile

I’m adjusting my scruffy fringe in the camera when Stav joins the Zoom call, she’s sat outside on a patio, glorious blue sky above her head and the sun shining on her long brown hair. “I’m spending the winter in Sardinia,” she tells me. I look out the window at my miserable February English street.…

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The Salted Caramel Trend

Document Changing Popularity Document Although it might be hard for some to remember, there was a time before salted caramel. According to Google Trends, the savoury sweet combination started growing in popularity around 2012, and had taken hold by 2014. Before its mainstream surge salted caramel was the reserve of high end restaurants and adventurous…

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Simpsons Most Talkative Characters

Document start stop The first episode of The Simpsons aired on 17 December 1989: titled “Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire”. It wasn’t meant to be the series debut, but due to animation issues with the intended instalment – Some Enchanted Evening – they were forced to kick the show off in an unusual manner…

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Web3 Scams Total Over $9 Billion

Web3 Scams Total Over $9 Billion Document reload Web3 is the Internet’s latest step forward. Starting from the static sites of Web 1.0, through to the interactive platforms of number 2, and coming into Web3’s decentralized future: where all exchanges of currency and contract are mediated by blockchain technologies, that will eventually deliver us into…

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